Jboss mdb example
This is an example on writing a Message Driven Bean in JBossif you decide to use jboss as your application servercomponents usedjboss-4.0.5.GAeclipse 3.2xdo...
This is an example on writing a Message Driven Bean in JBossif you decide to use jboss as your application servercomponents usedjboss-4.0.5.GAeclipse 3.2xdo...
struts redirect howto different web contextswebappA sendredirect to webappBString url = response.encodeRedirectURL(“urlwithparameters”);System.out.println(“...
for tomcatadd crossContext=”true” to server.xml for the web applications context:<pre><Context docBase=”C:/eclipse/workspace/WebAppA/WebContent” p...
apache httpd reverse proxy settings howtoLoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.soLoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.soLoadModule proxy_ba...
struts tags usageusing arraylist and mapsdefine in your action<pre>List urlName = new ArrayList();for (Iterator i = st.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {Str...