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Spring webservices example part 1

3 minute read

This is a blog on how I implemented webservices using the spring framework.In part 1 we setup a simple spring web application. A simple contactapplication wh...

Constant Improvement

less than 1 minute read

Must have constant improvement.Go over each topic.Create examples for each topic.Doesn’t matter if it takes time, that is what improvement means.

Batch programming getting the date

less than 1 minute read

How to get the date in bat? Windows XP.for /f “tokens=1-4 delims=/ “ %%a in (‘date /t’) do (set year=%%a& set month=%%b& set day=%%c& set weekd...

How to link wireless to nas

less than 1 minute read

How to link wireless to nas?What are the different ways to connect wireless router to nas securely?use vpn? or just configure passwords?Things done:setup web...