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Jekyll Syntax Highlighting Example Part 1

less than 1 minute read

The page.title is included in the layout template. This is an example of syntax highlighting. Github does not support rouge so have to change to Pygments. ...

Code formatter for blogspot

less than 1 minute read

Three solutions1. Use online code formatter copy code to there translate then copy the results into code formatter.2. Use j...

Maven dependency management

less than 1 minute read

Maven dependency management Scenario: jar file from repository not in the format you want. <pre style="background-color: #eeeeee; border: 1px dashed rgb(1...

Spring webservices part 2 jax-ws example

2 minute read

This is a simple example of webservices using jax-ws spring component.It is a contact application that allows you to store your addresses.The webservice retr...