1 minute read


If you use Firestore then this guide will show you how to export data to Cloud Storage.
After you have created a project in Firebase enable cloud storage, this will require a paid account/account with billing enabled.
When creating the project make sure to choose the right region for the project because cloud storage creation is also tied to the same region.

Enable cloud storage

Default GCP resource location

Warning: Setting the location for one of the following services also sets the location for the others. After you set your project's default GCP resource location, you cannot change it.

Also set some restrictions on access cloud storage security

You can use the Firebase console to add some collections/documents to the Firestore.

To export data to cloud storage you have to install the google cloud sdk which requires python, for windows install Anaconda

open anaconda terminal use gcloud config list to see your project configurations, make sure you’re working on the right project

region = asia-east1
zone = asia-east1-b
account = xxx@gmail.com
disable_usage_reporting = True
project = pelagic-logic-666
Your active configuration is: [default]

To change project

gcloud config set project api-project-123456789012

export all documents

gcloud firestore export gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com
  operationState: PROCESSING
  outputUriPrefix: gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T02:26:58_99921

import documents

gcloud firestore import gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T02:26:58_99921/
  inputUriPrefix: gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T02:26:58_99921
  operationState: PROCESSING

export collections

gcloud firestore export gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com --collection-ids=providers
outputUriPrefix: gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T03:18:47_53425

import collections

Use the outputUriPrefix from export as import uri:

gcloud firestore import gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T03:18:47_53425

export subcollections

This exports the collection users and its subcollections orders

gcloud firestore export gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com --collection-ids=users,orders
outputUriPrefix: gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T03:30:11_81009

import subcollections

Use the outputUriPrefix from export as import uri:

gcloud firestore import gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T03:30:11_81009 --collection-ids=orders

list all operations

All operations start in PROCESSING mode to see status:

gcloud firestore operations list 
done: true
  '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.firestore.admin.v1.ExportDocumentsMetadata
  - users
  - orders
  endTime: '2019-12-30T03:30:20.200061Z'
  operationState: SUCCESSFUL
  outputUriPrefix: gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/2019-12-30T03:30:11_81009

Look for SUCCESSFUL message.

Export cloud storage to local machine

Use gsutil to copy to local machine
gsutil is contained in cloud sdk if you installed the offline version then set environment variable


open anaconda

gsutil config 

export with folder name

gcloud firestore export gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/all-collections

copy to local

gsutil cp -r gs://api-project-123456789012.appspot.com/all-collections d:\tmp\firestore
