less than 1 minute read

Why you need multiple sites

You need to separate sites for production, staging, development so that you don’t mess up client’s data and you can do testing.


 To mirror your workflow environments (for example, Dev, Q1, Q2, Prod), we recommend that you create a separate Firebase project for each environment rather than creating multiple sites in a single Firebase project. 
 Generally, you don't want to use production-environment Firebase resources (like customer data in a Realtime Database) in a development environment.

Things to watch out for

Firebase console project settings

Things to do

  • Install firebase-tools (nodejs, npm)
  • Check in the right environment firebase projects:list Set project firebase use project-name
  • export users firebase auth:export users.json
  • change project
  • import users firebase auth:import users.json --hash-algo=scrypt --hash-key=xxx --salt-separator=xxx --rounds=8 --mem-cost=14
  • Install anaconda setup python env
  • Install gcloud sdk
  • enable Cloud Storage
  • export data
    gcloud config set project project-id
    gcloud firestore export gs://project-id.appspot.com/all-collections-20200218
    gcloud firestore operations list 
  • import data
    gcloud config set project project-id2 
    gsutil cp -r gs://project-id.appspot.com/all-collections-20200218 gs://project-id2.appspot.com 
    gcloud firestore import gs://project-id2.appspot.com/all-collections-20200218
